Some of the most beautiful shapes to draw are ballet dancers. When drawing two dancers the impression of one overall shape is important for design.
Most dancing partners do become one shape so it usually works, as long as they are holding hands or parts of their bodies overlap. The Approach: When drawing figures the best measurement to use is the length of head, this is
so useful when measuring length of body, arms and legs and also widths. Make an overall line drawing of the two figures. There are certain challenges within this drawing: the downcast face, the entwined hands, the tonal
structure for the muscle shapes. For the downcast face use The Head in a Box approach. We can see the top of head, plane 1, the face, plane 2 and side of face, plane 3. For the entwined hands, ensure the shape of the male dancer’s
hand is shaped around the hand of the female dancer. More information to follow, when I have completed this drawing!