This was the second of the workshops that I tutored and the subject was Landscapes. Each of the three set pieces centered on one particular artist technique: perspective, and using colour and brushstrokes to paint (no drawing involved), diagonal line and the last exercise was based on using recession, either with tone if painting or value if drawing.
The first exercise was completed without any drawing involved. We started by laying washes of watercolour blue for the lake and yellows for the trees and grass, leaving some of the paper white for the tents at the fair. We then painted in the mast shapes, either using paint or pens, I used non soluble pens and then acrylic and also pen for the added colour for the lower part of the boat shape.
The next process was to mix up three greens, however, I advised the class to under mix these colours. An easy way to do this: place light green next to medium green and the medium green next to a dark green. Use a round headed brush and apply it to the three colours and then stipple the colour on to the shapes of the trees.
We used a flesh tint for the pathway through the trees and into the field area.
The foreground was the last part of the painting to complete. Over paint the grass area with a light green, thin wash. Draw in the shapes of the tents with a non soluble pen. Paint in the red caravan and the orange tops of the tents, and also the yellow tent. Painting a distant crowd scene: use the side of a small brush, use three different colours for each brush stroke, I used red, brown and black. This is very easy to do and do not over complicate this by thinking that it is a person, it is just a distant small shape and therefore you cannot see any detail. Apply numerous side of brush strokes using the colours randomly. Stand back to ensure the brush strokes are in proportion to the size of the tents.
A nice project to complete, with a new take on perspective.
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