In the drawing class we completed two comparative exercises: one was a drawing of Sir Walter Scott – we used a print of an etching of the writer
for this exercise. This was a pure exercise in all the drawing skills you learn on one of my drawing courses:- cross hatch, directional line,
pointillism, burnishing, tonal values from 0-10, shading, form, shapes, proportions, a portrait, the proportions of the face, a head of hair, a background – this was a Big Piece of Work and it took me over 10 hours to complete. A worthy drawing is not something that you make in a short time, you have to put in the hours.
The following week we completed a drawing/painting of Elvis Presley but I wanted the class to have a completely different approach. I used one of my
paintings I had completed of Elvis Presley and used a paint program to just pick up on the contour lines which the class worked from. This looks
confusing at first, a bit like a jigsaw and made the class think very differently about a particular approach to drawing. Once they “got into” the
idea they liked it! Job done on my behalf, well nearly, the big question – did they achieve a likeness? Well one learner commented it was the best
portrait she had ever completed in any of the classes, so a different approach can sometimes not only make you think slightly differently but you
will be often surprised and pleased with your labours.
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